Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Summer Learning Journey (Day Three)

Activity 1. The More, The Merrier? 

In the 1800s, most families were pretty big. In fact, many parents had an average of seven to nine children.  Imagine that you were a child in the 1800s and you had nine siblings.

On your blog, please tell us how you would feel. Would you enjoy being a member of such a large family? Why or why not?

To be honest I would not enjoy being a member of such a large family. I mean it's nice to have siblings and all but I would be to concerned for my parents all that money they have to earn they would have to work really hard and look after all of there kids at the same time if I were to be the oldest after all the other siblings being born I would feel like all the attention is been stolen from me. If I was the youngest of the family I might end up being stuck with all those hand me downs from older siblings. If I was in this situation I would be concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Catrin,

    Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team. It's great to see that you've been working through these activities so well! I really like how you have labelled them all so clearly. It's easy to see what activities you have done so far!

    Great work here. I think there would be downsides to having a large family like that. There would be lots of time spent looking after younger siblings if you were the oldest! And lots of hand-me-downs if you were the youngest! I have 3 siblings and that's enough for me.

    There would be some good things about having a big family though. Can you think of what some of those might be?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog over summer.


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